Praise God, for he really listens to, and answers, your prayers. Ever since I took the board exams last November 29 and 30, 2009, I've prayed for nothing else but to pass it. Mind you, those were the times when I never really cared much for working as a nurse, for I was really hung up on continuing my studies for Medicine. I even had rows with both my dad and my aunt. It was really a bad time for me. But these past few days, I've been pretty much scared out of my wits of the possibility that I wouldn't pass.
So what gives?
I'm being offered a job at Philippine Heart Center, and most people advised me to take it. Even I wanted myself to take it. It's a great opportunity, and excellent hospital, and as my cousin is a doctor there, I know a lot of the staff so I won't feel all alone when I get in. And I will get in, because I have someone, a dear friend of my cousin who's also a nurse, backing me up.
I never really cared much for using backers before - like in our school, I could have gotten in without even taking the entrance exam, but I prefer to do things the hard way. And I never asked for help on this. It was offered to me - offered, given freely. Because she really wants me there. I even have application forms delivered right to my doorstep. All I have to do is fill them out, send them back, and voila! They even had my name listed down for some volunteering work already, all I was waiting for was my license. And here it is.
But this. Oh, this is a wonderful opportunity. And if life hands you this kind of opportunity on a silver platter, wouldn't you want to take it?
Confused, as to what to do.

We're still on a roll, baby. Top 8 Performing School. I'm proud of RTRMF! :) 95% overall passing rate.

all throughout my school days and review days. God is Good.
For a list of passers, placers and top 10 schools, click here.
Congratulations Belay! I am so happy for you! :)
thanks krissy :)
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