Wednesday, December 22, 2010

flats ♥

I am not, and never will be, a high-heel person. I prefer flats to heels, as wearing heels makes me wobble and lose what little poise I have. I am not a graceful person, nor am I a girly girl, but I do wear heels when the occasion calls for it.

For my daily footwear, I'm usually in flip-flops (Ipanema & Havs), sneakers (I don't wear them as often as I used to), or in flats (ballet flats are ♥). I never did ballet, but I do love them ballet flats. So as I was doing some online shopping for my Mom, I did a little side shopping for me. And look what I got: Frollic Rollable Take-Away Shoes.

The box.

Coz that's how they roll.

My Footsie Rolls in Pewter ♥

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